Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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Which countries in the world with more high alcohol consumption? Virginia Wine Industry

There have been studies that have provided interesting information on which countries have the highest consumption of alcohol. Contrary to popular belief, the United States is not even in the top ten. However, countries that are the real drunks can be a little 'surprising. Based on information from a study published by the World Health Organization, here are some details on which countries consume more alcohol in the world.

Start with the United States. This is obviously not the lower level, but is nowhere near the top is. In fact, the United States are the type of the road, coming 57th in the ranking of countries with higher consumption of alcohol. Canada is in close running with the United States are Mexico to round the North American continent.

But where are the countries with the highest consumption of alcohol? You can be a bit 'surprised by the response. It 's interesting to note that the first 25 countries are almost all European countries. For example, in the Top 25 are Spain, Finland, the United Kingdom and Russia. Most people work under the assumption that the poorest countries are those with the highest consumption of alcohol, but this study shows very different in that many of the top 25 countries are not even remotely be classified as poor.

The countries with the lowest consumption of alcohol are mainly in Africa and the Middle East. As regards Asia, the numbers are variant with China, Japan and India coming on the lower levels of alcohol consumption. This is also true of South America, where countries such as Brazil rival the U.S. levels, while smaller countries have lower or even much higher levels of alcohol consumption.

As regards Australia, while not as high in the rankings as the European countries, which surely has one of the highest levels of alcohol consumption, reaching just below the top 25 brand.

With this new study, some surprising data came up which countries have the highest consumption of alcohol. Chances are, they are also a bit 'surprised by some of these results, and demonstrate that one can not equate poverty with alcohol consumption as it would seem that poverty levels actually seem to have little to do with levels of alcohol consumption in each country. To learn more about levels of alcohol consumption in each country, the World Health Organization has published detailed results on the Internet.


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