Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How To Get Rid Of Meralgia Parasthetica


The first message that I could dedicate it to that, over time, for me has become a sort of archetype of the mountain: Camposauro. This
massif, part of the Regional Park Taburno-Camposauro (located in the province of Benevento), it holds almost all the features I most appreciate the mountain environment and forests.
The hilly terrain offers scenic views remarkable, emphasized by the extensive hardwood forests, which alternate with rocks or clearings of varying length. The center of gravity is the famous plateau, dominated by Mount Camposauro that, with its 1338 meters, it dominates the whole area.
The proximity to population centers (the park is virtually surrounded) has meant that confirms a significant man-made environment (especially in the most negative aspects that this means, unfortunately) but has also allowed us to develop a close relationship with the mountain, causing an item is not distant and isolated, but is an integral part of the territory.

The north-Taburno Camposauro.



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