Sunday, August 10, 2008

Matlab R2007b License File Mac

Babel Fish

Whatever allegories want to say is simply that the incomprehensible is incomprehensible, and that we know already. But the problems we face every day is a different thing. In this regard, once a man asked, "Why so much obstinacy? If you followed only allegories, allegories you will be yourself, and resolve all your problems."
Another said: "I bet that this is an allegory."
The first said, "You won."
The second said: "Alas, only allegorically."
The first said, "No, in real life. Allegorically've lost."

Franz Kafka.

"The day I prepared my bag-empty-there was a great uproar among the old. The meeting was divided into two, some said that no chestnut would have to leave its shell and go for a walk the world, others were intrigued and admired his resourcefulness. I solved the problem: When I fell down vote, without saying goodbye. The world seemed immense ground, all my preparations immediately struck me as unnecessary, so I went to the world at random, not knowing what I experienced wonderful adventures, but with the knowledge that I would come home with empty suitcase. "

From "Diary of the Chestnut Pilgrim" page. 17.

Kerrigan read the fascinating stories of the chestnut pilgrim, but he had to do it secretly. It was strictly forbidden to read that book in public, the chestnut had in fact been officially banned from Castagneville, when he was escapade in the middle of the final vote for approval of his adventure.
Engrossed in reading totally did not realize then the arrival of the great leader, His Royal Highness the shell, which not even say goodbye to the young chestnut snatched the manuscript and said in angry voice:
- what the hell do you think to do?
- ah, great .. Shell I here, why do not you come over the chestnut pilgrim?!
- Foolish young chestnut, the pilgrim has defied the advice and consent does not care if it's gone! He challenged the law! It can not go back!
- but is doing great things in dynamic world! - Said the chestnut becoming confident.
- Chestnuts are made to be static, can not wander around the world, more than can fit in your pocket of even one human being, but nothing more!
- I do not understand, Big Shell! The chestnut pilgrim knew so many people, has made many friends, also known Babel Fish, the King of the goldfish! He fought with him, at his side!
- It is embroiled in a war, a young chestnut K., a war that is not approved by the Council of Chestnuts.
- not true! the chestnut is peaceful pilgrim!
- Make yourself comfortable Young chestnut, now I will tell you how was the story of the chestnut pilgrim and Babel Fish.
"After the pilgrim Chestnut jumped out of the tree during the voting, landed without too much trouble thanks to his suitcase used as a mattress, but once he was in the dynamic world, he realized that all plans and maps that had designed were useless because the bottom had no reference point. And so, that a child picked it up from the ground and put it in his pocket. The baby back home had already stew of chestnuts and threw it on the table. In addition to disorder the child saw that the chestnut was not the only one to have been kidnapped! with her in the corner lay a little pool fish, which had as its guest a cute goldfish. A castagneville not taught the language of the fish, then the chestnut pilgrim did not know how they could communicate with the Pesciotti. "
- But great shell! - Broke the story the young chestnut-everyone knows as the chestnut has pilgrim communicated with the fish! rather tell me how did you know Babel Fish!
- then you read a good piece of that stupid diary eh? however you will be satisfied.
"A few days later, having racimolato a map of the area, the chestnut was able to sneak into the pockets of the child and thus escaped from the house. Once the child is perceived to have the chestnut in the pocket launched in the wrong way in front of Acquariolandia, home of all fish kept in captivity. So paying attention to the chestnut came in and immediately tried to leave the goldfish from the grip of vicious piranha! It was here that he met Babel Fish, who taught her the language of the fish and from that day the chestnut fought side by side with him to free all the goldfish! "
- But some fish die then?
- Unfortunately, yes my young chestnut. Some die, this is war. But do not worry as we go to the paradise of the chestnuts, the fish should be in their paradise, where they swim happily and there are bad guys trying to piranha bite.
- and Babel Fish? - Said the chestnut.
- Babel Fish is the head, a fish strong and courageous.
- And the chestnut pilgrim?
- The chestnut is out there somewhere, sometimes it sends the pages of his diary, his adventures, but we do not allow to come back on the shaft. Has now made his choice. But enough is enough, a young chestnut, it's time that you fall into your shell and no longer thinks that silly chestnut traitor.

In memory of Bean, my goldfish, who now swims happily in the paradise fish: °)


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