Friday, November 6, 2009

Acute Hiv Rash On Thigh

trip to the vineyard

again this year with the help of Renato elementariness children were able to deepen their knowledge of grapes and wine.

First appointment Tuesday afternoon at the press of Ca Peranda Silvano where children, unfortunately only the third and fourth, they could see how is the grape pressing.



Thursday afternoon with all the classes went to Renato review his vineyard, and control how the plants were taken in May of lives.


Both releases have been greatly appreciated and is thought to have a new release this spring.

Simple Way To Break A Bone

Computers for kindergartners

Since last year the children of asylum Castionetto have lost the ability to use the computer, because the Mac at their disposal it is spoiled.

We therefore decided to replace it with a PC that allows you to use the programs available to asylum.

The PC in question has been kindly donated by a company of our association and promptly arranged for use.

features are more than sufficient, Windows XP SP3 Pentium 4 1.7 Ghz, 1G RAM, 20G HD 17 "LCD.

Once updated through windows update, installed some programs that could be used (using the handy site ) has started searching for programs for that age group.

project interesting is the Sugar but it seemed a bit 'too complex for children ages 3 to 6 years.

Some links related to the pre-school .

Gcompris (version 8.4.13) is very well done, available in full version for Linux and limited to certain activities for Windows.

Then the first test on the 'end user' has been highlighted the difficulties of the double click. Selecting

the desktop in the "windows explorer" and selecting the menu Tools -> Folder Options, Select your items and openness "has the ability to choose" A click to open the object. " Another interesting program is

ChildsPlay himself in version 1.4 Linux and Windows.

Children have begun to use it and test the software loaded, waiting for other fun and educational opportunities.